Impressions FrontBookCoverRobert Christophor Coppes, PhDIANDS Publications is pleased to announce the publication of Robert Christophor (Bob) Coppes' book Impressions of Near-Death Experiences. In this book, Coppes presents many hundreds of quotes from more than 100 experiencers from all over the world. By organizing these excerpts into categories, he gives the reader a more in-depth and nuanced impression of the near-death experience (NDE). NDEs come alive and this effect multiplies as the reader progresses through the book. The message from these stories will touch a truth that is deep within you—an inner core that you can trust.

The book has sections on, for example, Unconditional Love, The Life Review, Veridical Observations, Interconnection with All, and Aftereffects. Bob suggests that the reader put their “traditional” ideas aside, and read the quotes. "Sense how they feel for you. Let go of whatever ways you have been programmed by your upbringing or by religion, and open your mind to receive whatever wisdom you find in these testimonies of people who have experienced the first moments of physical death."

The book is indexed and has extensive references. If the full account is available online, a link is given. The references and links are also available online here:

Available on Amazon: 258 pages with index. Paperback $19.95, Kindle $9.99