My parents were wonderful people. I have three siblings and we all agree we were raised in a loving, well-disciplined home. My father was farming when I was born, and those are my first memories until I was four years old when we left the farm. We were dirt poor then but a happy family, never lacking the essentials. My parents were hard working and our family was slowly but continuously upwardly mobile economically. I am and always will be grateful for my rewarding childhood. 

We were raised Catholic and would never miss church on Sundays and church Holy Days. This pattern remained all through grade school and high school. Then began many negative rumblings from high school age friends and schoolmates questioning the validity of God and religion, especially in light of evolution being the answer to creation. I got to get a better grasp on this question during college.

I knew from church that much of church dogma came from the Bible so I decided to look into it for myself and started reading our home Bible. Just like the Catholic faith, I found the Bible to be full of historical places, as well as stories with thematic analogies and much symbolism. Though very weighty at times, I enjoyed my reading sessions and gleaned a more practical understanding of God and human nature.

After high school I was off to college to study engineering, never yet bringing a final resolution to my own satisfaction as to the question of God.

One day, sitting in thermodynamics class, we were studying the Carnot engine cycle and the laws of thermodynamics. The second law, the Law of Entropy, states that the total entropy of a system either increases or remains constant in any spontaneous process; it never decreases. Since entropy can be defined as a gradual decline from order to disorder, as entropy increases, physical articles as well as energy disperse or decline. In other words, everything, of itself, becomes more random. This seems obvious since all things decay or disperse over time. Now stated in a formal scientific law, it struck me as a definite crack in the seemingly solid definition of evolution as the creator of life. It does not discredit evolution as real but merely questions whether it is the primary causation of creativity. 

It now seemed to me that memory, and the building upon prior principles drawn from memory, is the key to creativity.

Summertime was time off from school, and I worked a summer job to accumulate money for tuition for the following school year. It was also the season to gather with family and friends you haven't seen while away at school. One such evening, on my parent’s front porch, my cousin and friends were visiting. My cousin and I grew up together, living in close proximity to one another, and went through grade school and high school together. He was attending college in Illinois, me in Wisconsin. It was the latter part of the sixties and drugs were prevalent on and off campus.

He was telling the story of his decision to take acid, LSD, one Friday evening after classes. It was going well with just a few friends around home. He was already quite high, sitting on the couch listening to music. There was a leather wine flask, a bota, with a shoulder strap hanging from a nail in the wall behind him and to his right, slightly above his right shoulder. His right arm was up and he was absentmindedly fondling the wine flask with his fingers.

Suddenly, in an instant, he was across the room looking at himself on the couch fondling the wine bota. As quickly as he was across the room, he was back in his body looking out again.

I asked how he reacted. He said he panicked and wanted to be taken to the hospital to be given something to bring him down from his acid high. His greatest fear was that he would leave his body and not be able to return.

Months later I found a book that highlighted many stories of people with remote viewing incidences and showed it to him in hopes it would allay his fears.

That same year my girlfriend brought home Linda Goodman’s sun sign astrology book. I read about the people I knew close to me and was captivated. Could these twelve facets truly describe people’s nature? If it was true, it would allude to a controlling intelligent force outside the realm of human consciousness, guiding and directing the order of incarnation.

After we both read the book, she and I would confer to guess the signs of friends and family members, people we knew well. She was very good and with all most 100% accuracy pinpointed our friends and family members.

Astrology also spoke of the great year, the Earth’s precession through the astrological ages of approximately 2000 years each. We are presently in transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian age. This particular passage requires a symbolic finding and passing through a door, a door to the future. In Biblical terms, this will be a separating of the goats from the sheep, or separating the chaff from the wheat at the harvest at the end of the age.

One weekend after marrying, my new wife and I drove south to visit her brother. We arrived late afternoon. After dinner we were sitting in the living room, catching up. My brother-in-law was speaking to me individually while the wives were in their own conversation. He started talking about his Bible study, and I was a willing listener, the subject always intriguing me. He mentioned getting in touch with Jesus in a real way. The conversation ended with him asking if I would like to meet him, and was I ready.

I had been through Catholic catechism and many hours in church, but never had I been presented with such an offer. However, unfamiliar and a bit uneasy, I declined.

That night while sleeping, I was awoken by a surge through my body, as if a mild electric shock passed through me from head to toe. Startled, I sat up and looked around, but the room was dark and quiet around me.

That summer my cousin and brother both were recommending to me a series of books written by Carlos Castaneda, the Teachings of Don Juan, a Yaqui Way of Knowledge. I found them to be a "how to" of reaching the spirit world from the perspective of a Yaqui Indian shaman, Don Juan. Another key to the spiritual?

The next day started out like any other typical Saturday. My wife and I kept a couple horses on five acres we now owned. This meant we had chores to do in the morning, and then there was baled hay to haul in the afternoon. We had plans on visiting friends in the evening. We got started on our day, but something was different, out of the ordinary. A very upbeat, optimistic feeling was permeating my body. A feeling that everything was right with the world that coincided with a strength and joy that overtook my senses. It was as if a feeling of love was continuously bathing me. There is really no way to express it in words. We went about our daily, somewhat mundane activities, all the while me thoroughly enjoying, but ever wondering what was causing this wonderful feeling, and wishing it would never end. The day ended just where our plans took us, with that feeling still strong within. When I awoke the next day, it was gone. I was back to my old self.

I continued to apply the parameters of Carlos Castaneda that I was reading, and one day I found myself being spoken to, internally, not through normal avenues of hearing. A dialogue in my head, put there but not initiated by my normal internal dialogue. Carlos had written of this as an eventual outcome of learning, and now I was experiencing it. Carlos spoke of three types of spirits that may be encountered. One type can affect you negatively and could even entice you to self harm or death. The second type can offer you no advantage in learning and can be nothing more than a nuisance, but all were undesirable in comparison to the third, an Ally, the true gentle aid or guide, the one seen in a vision as a humble man in a plowed field sowing seeds.

I was both amazed but cautiously fearful by this new facet of being psychically spoken to. At that point I don't remember what was being said to me, I was so taken by just the fact it was happening.

This was a monumental step and I had to tell someone, so off I went to my cousin’s house to explain what had transpired. He was one person aware of Carlos' books and one person I thought could most relate.

We talked for about an hour. I explained I was following the course set by Carlos and the result of being contacted within from someone or something outside myself, not knowing who or what that entity might be. He seemed politely interested and somewhat amazed.

Feeling the conversation over, we said our goodbyes and I got in my car to leave. I was contemplating what spiritual force might be contacting me. I don't know if next I thought this image or if it was placed in my mind, but an image of Christ on the cross came upon my mind’s eye. I was instantly and intensely bombarded with the most overwhelming feeling of love. It was as if the feelings of the entire "perfect day" were accumulated, bundled and pushed through me with great intensity. I couldn't move, tears of joy were streaming down my cheeks. It seemed to come in rapid waves. Within possibly a minute, it began to subside.

I sat there frozen, in complete and utter amazement. This one moment encapsulated a lifetime of learning, of wondering, of contemplating that which may not be contemplatable. This single event washed away all doubt and consequently opened up a new marvelous direction of thinking.

Days after letting that event soak into my thought process, I realized an addendum to the event is that now all the prophecy of the future as outlined by the prophets, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel and the others, and the book of Revelation all had credibility.

I found myself in continuing years being trained and directed by that marvelous loving feeling, though much more subtle than the intensity of that day. When I would present a spiritual conversation or do some selfless act, that feeling would verify and reward my actions.

Later that year when my brother-in-law introduced me to Edgar Cayce through the book, "There is a River," that feeling of love came upon me and verified for me it was a good and worthy endeavor for me to search the readings.

Many years later, when I read "Life After Life" by Raymond Moody, I could relate to two of the prominent features of near-death experiences, one being in the presence of the overwhelming feeling of love, and two, experiencing the greater knowledge of everything, including knowing events before they happen, though the latter was fleeting and brief and ended abruptly, all of this without going through death itself.

I feel fortunate that my introduction to spiritual events was slow and deliberate over a good many years. It allowed me to mature in my thought processes as these events were happening.

Since the early days of exposure, I've been given many communications from my loving source. These have been both mental verbal and dream communications. Those promptings have given me better health, greater patience for people and the world around me, a more stable and secure financial environment, a better indication of service to others, a respectful and caring appreciation of nature, and a more joyful life in all. As in all lives, I experienced many hiccups but I feel fortunate to have been helped along the way.

Through my own curiosity and a desire to understand order, I researched the Bible, went through many of the Edgar Cayce readings and books both for health and spiritual guidance, studied astrology and the great year and have given classes on the subject as well, studied the calendar of events written in stone in the great pyramid of Giza as directed by the Edgar Cayce readings. 

All of these disciplines concur on one point: man is at a crossroads. We are going to be tested. It requires a firm decision on the part of each individual to determine his or her own future. The world collectively is about to go through a great shakeup, a reboot, if you will, with the remnant to put humanity on a better path of peace, harmony, and balance. This will require tremendous patience on the part of the aware and a trust in Him who is at the helm.

What type of patience? A seven-year transition period. The first three and a half years with troubling but manageable circumstances, the second three and a half years very challenging, catching many off-guard.

You may say, I am in agreement, but what if my life is such that I do not have time or resources to become what I am being asked? First, give up worry. If you are with Him, so is the love and guidance and hope you need. It may or may not be about preservation of the body but preservation of the spirit according to the cause and effect of your past.

Jesus, in His day, gave this parable: A vineyard owner needed help to bring in the harvest, so going to the city square in the morning he found men without work. Go to my vineyard and help in the harvest and you will be paid five pieces of silver. Still needing help, he went again at noon to the city square and finding more men without work, he sent them to his vineyard offering five pieces of silver for their day’s wage. Again, he went in the afternoon and found more men idle. Go to my vineyard and help with the harvest and I will give you five pieces of silver for your work. 

That evening he told the paymaster to call the men in and pay them beginning with the last men hired first. Those men were given their five pieces of silver. The men hired at noon were given their five pieces of silver for their pay as well. The men hired in the morning protested as they were paid their five pieces of silver. Those men worked only an hour while we worked all day in the scorching sun, yet you paid them the same. 

“Friend,” he answered, “I did you no wrong. Didn't you agree to work for five pieces of silver? Take it and go. It is my desire to pay all the same. Is it against the law to give away my money if I want to? Should you be angry because I am kind?”

And so it is that the last shall be first and the first last. To many the change in age will come like a thief in the night. We are aware of what an opportunity of a lifetime means. We can also become aware of what an opportunity of multiple millennia may be. The future is rewarding and bright to those that choose to pass through that door. In fact, the Aquarian Age has been described as the Golden Age of Humanity.