Approximately 1960: While driving to work, south on Third Street and approaching Spring Garden St., Philadelphia. My car slowed down. I wondered what was happening since I had the light and did not apply the brakes. My car came to a controlled stop partly into Spring Garden St. A semi blew the red light and came within inches of my car.

Early 1980: Driving the Econoline van, on the opposite side of the lake from our house, in Lake Naomi, Pennsylvania, before making a left turn onto Rt. 423, the engine quit and the van rolled to a stop. No other cars or people were around on this bright sunny day. “Floating” toward me, whistling and smiling, came a young man, clearly not from here based on his clothing, and surrounded by a light brighter than the sun. There was no verbal exchange, but there must have been some kind of communication. This spiritual being reached inside the engine, did something quickly and made it known to me that all was fine with the engine. He “floated” off whistling and smiling into the direction I came from. And just like he appeared, he was just not there. Sure enough, it started up fine and I never had that happen again.

About 1983: My father appeared in my bedroom one night shortly after he died. I was not awake. I had some problem bothering me. My father had been my sounding board. We communicated somehow. The next morning, I knew what I had to do about the problem.  

About 1985, Nick, a friend, passed away. His wife Rita was overwhelmed. She and I were talking when she said that Nick had appeared to her one night recently. After I don’t know how much conversation, she accepted the realty of that event. To the best of my knowledge, they were not church-goers.

2002: I was waiting to appear on a Christian radio talk show on a Saturday morning. I was a conservative candidate for the U.S. Senate. The studio was on the second floor over a large, high-ceilinged community recreation center. I had to climb about thirty steps straight up to get to the corridor in front of the studio.  A lot of people were downstairs, but just me and the host of the on-air show were upstairs, where I sat, waiting, in the corridor. A woman (spiritual being) appeared at the top of the steps, looking authoritative and dressed in business-like clothes, with a bright light around her. She clearly did not climb those stairs; I would have noticed her. She had a purposeful movement as she approached me. I remember all that was said. “Good morning,” she said. “Good morning,” I replied. “You must be the guest on the talk show.” “Yes.” Never breaking stride and directly in front of me, she asked “What is your position on abortion?” I replied, “Oh, you mean murder?” She looked back with a smile I will never forget, and then she was “just not there.”

2005: Out-of-Body Experience. While vacationing in St. Kitts (in the Caribbean), at dinner with my wife the first night, I passed out and somehow ended up on the floor parallel to the wall we were next to. The table was for two, and mysteriously, my head was close to my chair and my feet were extended along the wall; I was lying flat on my back. I was clearly out of my body because, from my elevated location about 8 feet up and 12 feet to the side, the position of my body was visible to me. Except, I could not see my head, only my body from my shoulders down to my feet. Also, about six feet beyond my feet, a bright light was visible. It was blocked out except for the perimeter around two offset triangles. The lead triangle was silverish and the rear one, which was mostly obscured, was blackish.  These triangles appeared to be pointed and sharp. Somehow, I knew that the triangles were sharp and that I would not get past them to get to the light. I remember kicking my feet and trying to push myself away from the triangles that were blocking my way to the light. But, at this time I started to awaken and was back in my body. Amazingly, I was assisted by an EMT who was on his honeymoon and happened to be in the room. I was taken to a medical facility but no cause or issues were found, and I never had any similar problems again. My wife confirmed the position of my body on the floor, which I had seen, but she could see my head as well as my body. I absolutely saw my body, shoulders to feet, lying there.

In October 2021, lung cancer was found in my right lung. Many doctors knew it was cancer. But, by January 2022, after three inconclusive biopsies, a CAT scan, and two PET scans, it was gone. Two PET scans exist, preserved on CDs, the first showing the two masses, and then nothing on the second.