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Audio-16 Madelaine Lawrence - Prospective NDE Studies
Price: $9.95

Madelaine Lawrence  -  Prospective NDE Studies with AIDS and Cardiac Patients This presentation includes a report on one of the first details

Audio-16 Newsome - Transpersonal Perspectives on NDEs
Price: $9.95

Roselea Newsome, Ph.D. - Transpersonal Perspectives on NDEs: An Interview w/Stanislov Grof No description of this presentation is currently available details

Audio-16 P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. - Heavenly or Hellish
Price: $9.95

P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. - Heavenly or Hellish, the Value of Near-Death Imagery No description of this presentation is currently available details

Audio-16 Panel Members - Experiencer Panel A
Price: $9.95

Panel Members - Experiencer Panel A The experiencer panels are always some of the high points of the conference. Each of the four or so experiencers details

Audio-16 PMH Corcoran & Newsome - Working With The NDE Patient
Price: $9.95

Diane Corcoran, R.N., Ph.D. & Roselea Newsome, Ph.D.  -  Perspective And Strategies Of Working With The Near-Death Experience Patient details

Audio-16 Robert and Suzanne Mays - NDE & Consciousness Research

Audio-16 Robert and Suzanne Mays - NDE & Consciousness Research
Price: $9.95

Robert and Suzanne Mays - The Future of NDE and Consciousness Research NDE research can make progress by examining the details

Audio-16 Yolaine Stout - Spiritually Transformative Experiences
Price: $9.95

Yolaine Stout - Issues of Spiritually Transformative Experience: Integration - New Results from ACISTE surveys The Spiritually Transformation details

Audio-17 - Coppes - Looking for Consolation in Religion
Price: $9.95

Christophor Coppes - Looking for Consolation in Religion - But which one? Loss of a loved one can be very painful. Looking for consolation in details

Audio-17 Bill Guggenheim - After Death Communication
Price: $9.95

Bill Guggenheim -  After Death Communication Biographical accounts of people who have experienced communications from deceased loved ones. details

Audio-17 Corcoran, R.N., Ph.D., Moderator - NDE Research Panel
Price: $9.95

Diane Corcoran, R.N., Ph.D., Moderator -  NDE Research Panel A researcher panel consists of several people who are doing research into NDEs details

Copyright © 2024 International Association for Near-Death Studies. • 2741 Campus Walk Avenue, Building 500, Durham, NC 27705-8878, USA • Tel: 919-383-7940