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DVD 10 - PMH Atwater LHD - NDE's as Consciousness Breakthrough


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PMH Atwater, LHD
NDE's as Consciousness Breakthrough: The Next Step
I am now convinced the near-death experience is not some kind of anomaly, but, rather, is part of the 
larger genre of transformations of consciousness. It's time to step up - to view the phenomenon in light of 
that truth and change how we conduct our research accordingly. The big clue most people miss is stress, 
and the intensity that comes from that stress. The entire pattern of aftereffects and the degree to which 
they change people, can be traced to that factor - intensity. That's what shifts us into what science calls a 
"colloidal condition." Once we understand what that is, everything else begins to make sense - things like 
future awareness, synchronicity, intuitive abilities, spiritual insights, and the deeper structures of near-death 
scenarios, cultural differences, heaven/hell states, temporal lobes in the brain, the limbic system, 
pineal gland, sensitivity, DNA, and things dark. We then begin to realize that the heart is the true 
arbitrator, the guide through the memory fields of our own soul and through the ethers of our universe. 
More is at foot here than a personal experience. What else lies at the core of this phenomenon will be hinted at, as we attempt to. . . see beyond mystery.
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