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S4 Talking to the Animals


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Talking to the Animals
Asia Joy Voight

Asia Voight has always had a special ability to communicate with animals. However, the accumulation of abuse she received during her childhood blocked this talent in her teen and adult years. Then in December 1987, Asia was in a life-threatening auto accident, trapped inside the car as a wall of fire burned all around her. Miraculously she survived, though she required three months in intensive care and another nine months in the hospital, during which she had four near-death experiences. During the NDE, Asia met three ascended masters who urged her to come back and help animals, to return to her original contract of Animal Communicator. After studying advanced levels of animal communication with Penelope Smith, Asia began her professional work in August 1998. "I have really used this horrific accident as an opportunity to see the world from a spiritual perspective. It has opened my eyes to a new level of love." Asia will tell her story and what she has learned from 'talking to the animals', and will help the audience to understand how we are all connected and how to achieve that feeling of connectedness with animals.

Asia teaches workshops in animal communication, and has been featured on television, in magazines, and in Dr. Julie Kaufmans's book, Crossing the Rubicon. She has appeared as a keynote speaker at the Midwest Horse Fair (Madison, Wisconsin), the Wellness Conference, Chicago-IANDS, and many other venues. She earned a degree in Communication Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. She also has worked as a midwife's assistant, cranial-sacral therapist, and healer.

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