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T2 The NDE and the Military


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The NDE and the Military
Diane Corcoran, R.N., Ph.D., C.L.N.C.

Individual who have Near-Death experiences have after effects that may be difficult to deal with under normal circumstances. However, soldiers who have these same issues are often in environments that they have little control over and can't just stop what they are doing and choose to do other things. They may very well have to go fight again and hurt other people and do things that may be very upsetting to them. It is therefore very important that military providers be familiar with the after effects and the integration process so they can assist military experiencers in their efforts to integrate the NDE into their life and their current military mission.

Ms. Corcoran has had a distinguished military career spanning 25 years during which she earned her PhD. During her military service in Vietnam, Ms. Corcoran was introduced to the Near-Death Experience. Since then she has worked to educate healthcare professionals and lay communities on the Near-Death Experience. She is a founding member of IANDS and has served as a member of the Board of Directors as well as President. Currently she is researching veterans who have had a Near-Death Experience in combat. Ms. Corcoran has lectured nationally and internationally and has published several articles on NDEs.

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