Claude Swanson is the author of the books
"The Synchronized Universe" and the recently released
Volume II, "Life Force, The Scientific Basis". The author, Dr. Claude Swanson, is an MIT and Princeton
educated physicist. Dr. Claude Swanson, has put together the "best evidence" showing that our present
scientific paradigm is broken. He describes scientifically controlled remote viewing and ESP experiments,
demonstrations of long-range healing, psychokinesis (mind over matter), scientifically controlled
experiments in levitation, teleportation and out of body phenomena (OBE). In addition he discusses
research in energy healing, showing how results are achieved over great distances, and can even project
forward and backward in time. He describes experiments in which this energy alters radioactive decay,
bends laser beams, and alters material properties. It even changes mass, weight and density of
materials, effects which are supposed to be "impossible" according to Western science.
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