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Spiritually Transformative Experiencers - Doman, Kason & Willis


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STE Experiencer’s Panel #2 - Moderated By Yvonne Kason MD

Alex Doman: Alexander Doman, MD is a board certified orthopedic surgeon in private practice in Atlanta Georgia. On July 19, 2012, he had a spiritually transformative experience while driving home from work that instantly completely transformed every aspect of his life 180 degrees from that day forward. He will discuss the dissolution of his soul as it merged with source/God. The world of shape and form and space and time disappeared and his soul returned home. He will discuss his journey home and what it means for all of us.

Yvonne Kason: Yvonne Kason, MD first coined the phrase “Spiritually Transformative Experiences” (STEs) and defined them in 1994 in her book, A Farther Shore. Panel moderator Dr. Kason will highlight the broad range of types of STEs. She will describe her own Kundalini awakening experience, how she struggled to find an accurate name for her STE and how her life was deeply impacted by the aftereffects. Dr. Kason will emphasize the need for clear definitions of types of STES to avoid confusion and mislabeling, as occurs all too frequently.

Diane Willis: Diane Willis is founder and facilitator of Chicago IANDS, one of the largest such groups in existence.  She is an experiencer (STE) from Spring of 1995 during which she went through the tunnel, encountered the White Light and had an extensive conversation with the Creator.  In May, 1998, she started Chicago IANDS, with much guidance from the other side. As leader of Chicago IANDS, she hosted the IANDS conference in 2004.  She has done many years of local teaching, hospice work, lectures, consultations and counseling about death and dying.  She is also a flutist, having taught 1000s of students for over 50 years.  Her CD, Improvisations From the Other Side, with pianist, John Fish, was released in 2002.

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