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F6 Integrating the Near-Death Experience into a Lifestyle Change


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Integrating the Near-Death Experience into a Lifestyle Change
Grace Bubulka, R.N., M.S.N.

NDE's have often been described as life changing significant events. Twenty, forty or more years later, it is not unusual to hear a person vividly describe the event, which may have even occurred in their early childhood. What, however, are the factors that lead to a person's perception of the NDE? When people come together and openly recount their NDE, some do so with tears, some with elated emotions. There are those who are visibly shaken by the event. Others reveal little emotion but use words or other non-verbal mannerisms that belie the importance of this occurrence to them. Did the circumstances surrounding the NDE effect the person's perception? Did the response of significant others and/or professional alter the person's ability to disclose? Are there factors within the person him or herself that could effect their perception? What are some common methods of adaptation? Can the NDE promote a lifestyle change? if so, how does it effect people? Research and discussions with nurses, chaplains, oncology and trauma staff propose some insight and raise some additional thought provoking questions.

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