Ryan Foster - Eternal Connection: Quantitative and qualitative findings exploring the effects of learning about NDEs on adult grief
NDE researchers and theorists have asserted that learning about NDEs can therapeutically facilitate bereaved individuals' grief by instilling them with a lasting connection to the deceased and with increased confidence that the bereaved individual and the deceased loved one would once again be reunited in some form (Horacek, 1997; Ring & Valarino, 2000). However, until recently, no one had empirically investigated this potentially beneficial grief intervention. In this presentation, the presenter will describe results of two recent studies designed to investigate the effects that participating in a psychoeducationally-oriented NDE learning module had on reducing distressing aspects of and increasing personal growth aspects of grief of bereaved adults. Quantitative and qualitative results will be described and implications for a new approach to bereavement counseling will be suggested.
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