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Audio-6 Bonnie Greenwell - NDE and Kundalini Awakening


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Bonnie Greenwell - NDE and Kundalini Awakening: The Challenge of Transformation

A near-death experience can trigger the awakening of intense spiritual energy in the body, known as Kundalini in yogic teachings, which brings about transformation of consciousness through physical, emotional, psychic and spiritual changes and revelations.  This can be overwhelming for someone who has no preparation as it profoundly shifts the sense of self in the world.  This talk presents a yogic model describing why NDEs can cause Kundalini awakening.  It presents seven categories of phenomena characteristic of Kundalini awakening, and addresses the challenges and positive potential of a spontaneous Kundalini awakening triggered by an NDE.  Bonnie Greenwell has specialized in work with spiritual emergence since 1989.  Formerly the director of the Transpersonal Counseling Center at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, CA, she is currently a member of the adjunct faculty there.

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