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Looking Inward: A Guided Imagery Journey to Deepen Our Cosmic Roots
B. Jason MacLurg, M.D.

Drawing upon his professional expertise in psychotherapy, his focus on the interface of science and wisdom, near-death consciousness, and an appreciation for the Shaman within us all, Dr. MacLurg will help participants undergo a peaceful guided meditation of inner awareness. Floating through external metaphors and universal imagery from the world's great spiritual traditions, this journey follows a path to confront and move beyond obstacles that constrict personal growth. Threads of wisdom collected from the meditation are spun together and woven into the tapestry of our personal narrative via writing and paired dialogue.

As a teenager, a series of untimely deaths caused "Brian" (as he was then known) to drop out of college, travel the world, and assume his middle name, Jason. Only later did he learn that "Jason" means "healer." While in medical training at the University of Washington, he crossed paths (though he didn't recognize it at the time) with Kimberly Clark-Sharp of IANDS. It required 20 more years of medical practice, psychiatric training, life experiences, and encounters with death before Dr. MacLurg became convinced that a Spiritual Realm really exists and purposefully interacts with us on both sides of the veil called death. Ironically, he first read about IANDS while working in New Zealand. While there, the indigenous Maori people inspired Dr. MacLurg to change his approach to patients and to integrate Spirituality with his modern, science-based psychiatric practice.

Copyright © 2025 International Association for Near-Death Studies. • 2741 Campus Walk Avenue, Building 500, Durham, NC 27705-8878, USA • Tel: 919-383-7940