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F6 Three Transformational Experiences


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Three Transformational Experiences
David Bennett

I had three transformative experiences. First in 1984 a near death experience, where I underwent a life review that was the catalyst for two additional experiences. The life review started major changes in my life. I immediately received new understandings of acceptance, tolerance and my truth. These were new concepts to this chief engineer who worked on undersea exploration. Ten years later, I began reliving my NDE for three days while on a spiritual retreat where I had to face everything I had suppressed during the NDE. I began to hear Spirit in a more direct fashion. Since then, I started my quiet ministry by helping people who were drawn to me and planting seeds through my connection to Spirit. The third transformation occurred when I was diagnosed with stage IV lung & bone cancer. The doctors informed me this was incurable and terminal; I was told I should get my affairs in order. I had seen this in my life review, and I also had been shown that I was going to live beyond the cancer and the reconstructive spine surgeries. Now three years in remission, this third experience has focused the tools for living I had received in the first two experiences into a broader more purposeful mindfulness. My connection to Spirit helped to develop coping skills for myself and others who are facing terminal illness.

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