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IANDS Announces Advisory Board Members

IANDS Advisory Board Page Sample Screenshot

The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) announced a new Advisory Board comprised of prominent figures in or associated with the field of near-death studies. Advisory Board members will provide periodic advice, assistance, and guidance on the organization’s policies, procedures, and direction.

The Board is comprised of 23 experts from the U.S., France, Germany, The Netherlands, New Zealand, and Wales, including eight physicians, near-death experiencers, academics, mental health care providers, and others deeply engaged in the field.

“We are grateful that these leading experts have generously offered valuable time and expertise in support of IANDS’s vision: a world in which near-death experiences and related phenomena are widely recognized as valid and profound experiences that inspire and create lasting positive change,” said IANDS President Jan Holden, EdD.

Link: IANDS Advisory Board