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DVD 24 - P.M.H. Atwater - NDE as a Threshold Experience


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P.M.H. Atwater - NDE as a Threshold Experience

I am convinced the near-death experience is not some kind of anomaly, but, rather, part of the larger genre of transformations of consciousness. The clue most researchers and experiencers miss is stress; specifically the intensity which comes from that stress (known ins shamanism as "high stress"). The entire pattern of aftereffects and the degree to which people change, can be traced to that factor. It's the intensity that shifts us into what is called a "threshold experience" -- one that straddles the boundary between this world and other worlds, between brain and that which lies beyond what the brain can access, between reality and miracles, mind and spirit, life and death, heaven and hell, sanity and insanity. Once we understand this shift, everything else makes sense. At the threshold of who we think we are and what lies beyond body and brain, is the core to the most ancient of mysteries. We are transformed by the Oneness we find there.

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