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Th20 PMH Atwater-Proof of God-Revelations from the Heart of NDEs


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PMH AtwaterPMH Atwater - Glimpses of Beyond: Proof of God: Revelations from the Heart of NDEs

Based on her book, Dying to Know You: Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience, this talk by acclaimed author P.M.H. Atwater is dedicated to the collective voice, the sum of the many. It covers over three decades of listening and keeping notes as nearly 4,000 experiencers shared what they saw. Yes, personal stories are wonderful, but the real “thunder” comes from those children and adults who surprise us with the richness of their vision and the truth of what they encountered at the very “heart” of their near-death or near-death-like experience. P.M.H. will also share experiencer drawings, a show-case of what experiencers remembered when they died.

An international authority on near-death states, P.M.H. uses the culmination of her research to establish that the near-death phenomenon is not some kind of anomaly, but is rather part of the larger genre of transformations of consciousness. She combines her 33 years of near-death research with experiencing, experimenting with, and researching altered states of consciousness, mysticism, psychic phenomena, and the transformational process, to reveal what transformations of consciousness really are, why we have them, and where they lead us. Author of The Big Book of Near Death Experiences and many more. Visit her web site

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