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DVD 16 - Bulk, Branson, Maltby - NDErs' views on Relationships


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Panel: NDErs Perspectives regarding Relationships

Sabine BulkSabine van den Bulk - The inside of forgiveness after a NDE and how my Fragaria Method can help you cope with it

When someone has had a near death experience, the memories afterwards will might have changed the insight about nature, humanity and our lives on earth. Health care organizations don't recognize those insights and put them aside. Cultural influences will become more important than any medical diagnose. Start to connect ideas, joined in unity, instead of thinking in separated themes and visions.

Billy BransonBilly Branson - How insight gained from NDE helps those who suffer and those who grieve

Since my first NDE included a physical healing while out of body, this case study provides help to those suffering injury or loss. Insight derived from the NDEs gave me the ability to assist those almost ready to cross over in a unique way.

Deirdre MaltbyDeirdre DeWitt Maltby - After the NDE: Living simultaneously in two worlds

There is probably not a human alive that does not question or has not wondered about what lies beyond these earthly shells we inhabit; what being human truly is all about. Needless to say I was thunderstruck when shaken to my core with a fundamental transformation of my soul after my own NDE. Finding consciousness outside of my physical body I was introduced to the full divine aspect of who I am. I received a type of "knowing" beyond anything I could have ever imagined, and I was held within the palm of the hand that created me. I experienced the vastness of the universe, one of total and complete Unconditional Love. With memories of an earthly body left far behind, I saw how we are all connected by this love, by the force that created us, and how totally glorious is the gift of being human. Part of what was passed to me during both critical and non-critical states were lessons not only for me, but for anyone who draws a breath of life, and desires to seek the wonders of what lies within. Our future depends on using the potential greatness we all carry inside. This is what I can share.

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