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DVD 7 - Dannion Brinkley - Mastering Life in these Times


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Dannion Brinkley - Mastering Life in this Incredible Time of Shift and Miracles

There is little doubt that we are living in a time of unprecedented change. Never before has humanity played such a critical and necessary role in helping to shift and elevate mass consciousness. As we all come to understand the multi-dimensional universe we live in, we all become partly responsible for the ascension into higher levels of light and awareness. This is indeed the time long heralded by ancient prophets as the end times. But what is ending is not the world. What is ending is a world motivated by greed, fueled with intolerance, and driven in chaos. Together, we are birthing the Golden Age of Peace as our planet simultaneously ascends into a higher dimension.
Dannion Brinkley will present concepts for mastering life in this incredible time of shift and miracles. Dannion's ability to understand and help you achieve empowerment in these wondrous times, comes from being struck by lightning in 1975, dead for 28 minutes. He is considered a "walking miracle," having survived insurmountable odds, including two lightning strikes, open-heart surgery, brain surgery and a massive grand mal seizure. His three near-death experiences have left him with an extraordinary sense of perception.

IANDS member price $18.00, nonmember price $25.00

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