Research Panel: Two new NDE-Related Assessment Instruments
Janice Holden & Michael Paz - Spanish Translation of the NDE Scale: Envisioning a more culturally inclusive future in NDE research
Over 300 million people on Earth speak Spanish as a first language, yet this group has been underrepresented in NDE research. One likely reason is a dearth of Spanish NDE research instruments. In this presentation, we will describe our process translating Greyson's (1983) Near-Death Experience Scale into Spanish. We will discuss future research on the Spanish NDE Scale and its use with primary Spanish-speaking participants in future studies.
Janice Holden & Laura Pace - Development of the Knowledge of and Attitudes toward Near-Death Experiences Scale (KANDES)
Research has indicated that healthcare providers' responses to near-death experience (NDE) disclosure likely play an important role in near-death experiencers' (NDErs') subsequent integration of their NDEs. Their harmful or helpful responses are likely related to their knowledge of and attitudes toward NDEs - but no up-to-date instrument exists to assess these factors. In this presentation, we describe how we applied best practices in instrument design to the development of the Knowledge of and Attitudes toward Near-Death Experiences Scale (KANDES). We discuss ways the KANDES can be used in future research.
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