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Panel: Healing Perspective on Dying Alone


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Maggie Callanan Panel: Healing Perspective on Dying Alone

Maggie Callanan: RN with 25 years “hands on” experience in the care of the dying in Hospice. Author of the award-winning, Final Gifts. Simultaneous 30 yrs experience as writer, speaker, expert witness and consultant on End of Life Care issues.

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Kelvin Chin was a test subject in the first medical studies on meditation done in the U.S. in 1971. Kelvin teaches on video conference and in-person — to 28 countries so far. Kelvin Chin has been meditating for 49 years, teaching it for 46 years, and has had many experiences “piercing the veil.” Kelvin experienced near-death in the ocean at age 20. His clients are diverse, from age 4-94, the healthy to the emotionally or mentally challenged, and the fullof-life to end-of-life. He teaches a meditation technique called “Turning Within.” His clients report relief from panic attacks, PTSD, anxiety, better health, faster healing, and balanced spiritual and psychic abilities. Kelvin is the author of the best-selling Overcoming the Fear of Death: Through Each of the 4 Main Belief Systems — a non-religious approach to the 4 Beliefs that underlie all religious and cultural beliefs. He uses these principles to help people reduce and eliminate their fears of death. He has taught in healthcare and universities, is a graduate of Dartmouth, Yale, and Boston College Law School, has lived in 8 countries and currently resides in Los Angeles, California. He is the Executive Director and Founder of the Overcoming the Fear of Death Foundation and the “Turning Within” Meditation Foundation.

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Kitty Edwards’s childhood near-death experiences introduced her to the world beyond death. She has studied with wisdom keepers on three continents, learning various methods to cross the threshold of death in service to herself and others. In her private practice as an Ayni Energy practitioner, Kitty helps those confronted by death find the courage to release their fears. Kitty is an author of many articles on the use of rituals to prepare for death as a rite of passage. Mythic and energetic rituals deepen our understanding of the psychological and emotional closure needed in the dying process. Kitty is the Executive Director of The Living & Dying Consciously Project, a non-profit organization that offers workshops in Conscious Transitions: Living with Dying and Conscious Caregiving. She is the co-founder of the No Regrets Project and Conversations on Death in Boulder, Colorado where she works from home in these unusual times.

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