On The Edge Of Immortality: The Power Of Ndes In Preparing Patients For The Final Journey
NDEs have an astonishing power to supplant our fear of death with expectation and even heartache for what is to come: our ultimate transformation. For hospital patients, this aftereffect is the greatest gift of the experience. If they quickly receive support, there tends to be more rapid integration of the NDE, and decreased existential dissonance before death. The effect this can have on loved ones is equally profound, helping them be deeply present in wonder, just as they are being swallowed by grief. Explore with hospital chaplain David Maginley the beautiful, transformative effect NDEs can have at the end of life, as well as the destabilizing impact that comes with increased psychic ability and shifts in foundational beliefs. Learn of the deep effects his own NDE had on his life, including angelic encounters and healing gifts. Through moving stories and tender humor, David brings you to the bedside to encounter ordinary people realizing their extraordinary potential as they touch, for that eternal moment, the love from which we flow.
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