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Fr09 Linda Anderson - Animals and the Afterlife


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Linda AndersonLinda Anderson - Animals and the Afterlife

Do animals have an afterlife? Some people know the answer to that question is “Yes!” because they met animals during their NDE or out-of-body experiences. Around the world people are realizing that animals are Souls too—spiritual beings who survive death, can meet with us in the afterlife, and may return to this world to continue their spiritual growth and give service. So how does exploring our special relationship with animals uplift us to greater wisdom, compassion, and transformation? Is it possible that animals play a significant role in the spiritual evolution of humanity? Author Linda Anderson will share fascinating stories of alternate realities with dogs, cats, horses, and wildlife to show how animals can bring healing, upliftment, and spiritual transformation. Come share your own experiences with animals and learn how they help us accept blessings that occur before, during, and after NDEs and otherworldly experiences. Visit her website

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