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Audio-32 Scott Olsen-The Universe and Transformation


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Scott Olsen

What is it about the universe that supports transformation?

Evidence abounds that in an NDE one's self-identity undergoes transmutation, as if in an alchemical crucible, forged into a broader, kinder, more empathic, sensitive, illumined identity. It is truly as if one dies to the old ego and is reborn into a higher and more expansive state of awareness, where physical and spiritual healing can also occur. Scott Olsen's talk will focus on how this transformed state of consciousness and corresponding enhanced energetic capacity has the uncanny ability to transform and heal others who come in direct or even indirect contact with the awakened individual. It is as if the NDEr has discovered (or become) the philosopher's stone. What is it about the Universe that supports such stunning instances of transformation? Scott will examine the role of the divine proportion in relation to recent discoveries in non-locality, quantum coherence, proportional symmetry and resonance that may provide a solution to this exciting and potentially world-transforming phenomenon.




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