Erica McKenzie
Your Uniqueness is Your Value: Messages of Hope, Healing & Transformation
Erica McKenzie, RN, is an inspirational speaker, messenger, advocate, researcher and upcoming author. At the age of twelve she had an eating disorder that continued for twelve years. This led to a nine year addiction to a weight loss drug called Phentermine. Her dark secret ended one day when she collapsed to the floor unconscious. Erica found herself drawn through a tunnel and delivered into the hands of God. She had two life reviews, saw Heaven as a planet, the earth in flames and God's unexpected reaction to the souls left behind. Erica experienced the edge of hell. She learned about the rippling effect and the unique gifts God has for each of us. She discovered that beauty is internal and lies within our hearts. Her life altering NDE with God and the gift of healing he gave her ignited a one woman crusade to help us discover that our uniqueness truly is our value. Erica has spent the past eleven years dedicated to delivering messages of hope, healing and transformation. She created devoted to identifying your gifts, growing value, helping create the balance between body, mind and spirit which bring healing & life transformation. Visit her web site
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