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Audio-13 Taylor & Brown - Group Discussion: Love and Oneness


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Group Discussion

Bill TaylorBill Taylor - The Love Energy Model: A new vision for humanity

Is it possible to achieve Heaven on Earth without answers to the universal questions: Where did we come from? Who are we? Why are we here? Where do we go after physicality? NDE visions of the oneness of creation shed light on our purpose for being. Heaven is coming to earth. There is an evolutionary process at work. Key to understanding this process is to comprehend the most fundamental and basic foundation of existence: Love Energy. It is the fabric of all that is, the elemental building block. The role of the human species is to realize its oneness with this source, and to acknowledge its own Divinity. Humans, therefore, have the choice of extending, or not extending, love into areas where it does not exist. The Love Energy Model provides new definitions of the interconnectedness of all creation and renewed hope for earth and humanity.

Debbi BrownDebbi Brown - The Oneness Field: The bonds of Love & our infinite nature

We live in an infinite field of oneness, in an amazing vibrational field of love, all the time. The near death experience reminds us of our eternal nature and that our consciousness is unlimited. Cosmic awareness is our birth right and we can access those states not only in near death experiences but in transcendental moments, in times of meditation, while under the influence of certain drugs or pharmaceuticals, in moments of birth or death, or times of great physical exertion, pain or grief, etc. The very foundation of human nature is our oneness with all Life. Native peoples know this intrinsically, while we in the western or modern world have forgotten that the stars, trees, rocks and wind talk to us. They are us. We are them. Consciousness can merge or blend with anything - an ant, a planet, another soul... We are unlimited and unbounded in spirit and the bonds of love unite us through all time and space. They are quantum fields of energy alive and interactive even after death. When we live in the awareness of our oneness we access the states of telepathy, instant knowing, prophetic visions, soul travel, and instantaneous manifestation.

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