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F3 The Feelings of Life


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The Feelings of Life
Joel Kaplan

Everyone experiences the reality of death, either through their own experience, or through the deaths of others. I have been brought to this reality consciously, and discovered that my highest essence, or God self, was not quite sure if he desired to leave earth or stay. He has many abilities, and I had been learning how to alter cellular memory. He felt that I had really come up in my desire and mindfulness to help others, so he and God, or the source of all that is, hammered out a new contract. I consciously needed to be altered into a whole-hearted individual who would be able to alter others in a new dynamic way that would be acceptable to "Source". My God self's choice was my near death experience.

My intention is to explain to all the feelings of a person who has been given a "fresh start". I also will demonstrate this reality of oneness that I now have. I expect that the reality of some who attend this conference will be changed. It is both my God self's and my desire for everyone to be happy, healthy and to grow to their fullest potential. We both choose to come and assist.

Mr. Kaplan has been a successful businessman in Boston, MA for over 30 years. After his NDE, he accelerated his volunteer practice of healing persons through intuitive guidance.

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