Purifying The Heart: How The Love & Light Of NDEs Leads To Personal Growth & Healing
Dr. Yvonne Kason first coined the phrase “Spiritually Transformative Experiences” (STEs) in 1994 in her book, A Farther Shore, to describe how the love and light of NDEs and other mystical experiences tend to transform the experiencer, changing them in a more spiritual direction. Using the model of “Purifying the Heart”, Dr. Kason will outline the 5 progressive spiritual stages that STE experiencers grow through. This model is based on Dr. Kason’s 25+ years of clinical experience researching and counselling STE experiencers, and the writings of Swami Sri Yukteswar in The Holy Science. Dr. Kason will use case examples including her own 4 Near Death Experiences, to show how the loving light of NDEs can propelled experiencers forward to the next spiritual life-stage. The changing psychological and spiritual foci of the 5 stages will be outlined, so that this model can be used as a roadmap for STE experiencers and their counsellors.
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