Janice Holden, Sahar Loseu, Cody Lankford, Debbie James, & Nancy Nadeau: Two NDE Education Studies: Licensed Professional Counselors And Student Nurses
Healthcare professionals, such as licensed professional counselors and nurses, are ethically bound to do no harm to clients/patients – including those who have had near-death experiences (NDErs). However, recent research indicates that some NDErs have felt harmed when they disclose their NDEs to these and other health professionals. In this presentation, we describe two recent studies – one with licensed professional counselors and the other with student nurses – that used similar methodology. Participants completed the recently published Knowledge and Attitudes About Near-Death Experiences Scale (KANDES), completed 2.5 hours of online NDE educational programming, then completed the KANDES again. Results indicate that the educational programming significantly improved participants’ knowledge and attitudes about NDEs – and that they enjoyed the educational materials. The presenters will discuss implications for the future of education about NDEs so that harm to NDErs may be reduced or eliminated.
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