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Sa14 Ann Barham - Virtual NDE for Everyone


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Ann Barham - Virtual NDE for Everyone: Accessing Heaven Through Past Life Therapy

Although many of us crave the profound, life-changing insights and the contact with eternal love that NDE survivors report, few of us would wish a life-threatening illness or accident upon ourselves. In this workshop, participants will learn how we can receive similar insights for ourselves by exploring our prior lifetimes, through death and into the spiritual realms after death. They will have the opportunity to experience this highly spiritual journey for themselves. The didactic portion of this workshop will teach participants about the practice of past-life regression therapy, and how it has been used to access higher spiritual truths as well as address physical, emotional and relationship issues in the current life. The regression experience has proven to be transformative for clients in many ways: releasing issues and blocks, losing the fear of death, accessing deeper insights and understanding the eternal nature of our existence. The presenter will share stories from her 17 years of clinical work with clients. An experiential portion will follow in which a group regression will be conducted. Participants will have the opportunity to visit a prior lifetime, all the way through death and beyond. Messages of spiritual truths and guidance will be sought from the higher realms.

IANDS member price $3.95, nonmember price $6.95

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Copyright © 2025 International Association for Near-Death Studies. • 2741 Campus Walk Avenue, Building 500, Durham, NC 27705-8878, USA • Tel: 919-383-7940