I had tried to help my teenage children have better lives and instead everything just went wrong and they blamed me for everything in their lives and for my daughter getting into a situation where she was hurt. In my attempt to help the children my business and home were lost and I was very devastated and just laid down on the couch and prayed to die.

In an instant I was lifted out of my body and was in a place like a cave. A very gentle, beautiful presence talked to me. I was shown a book. The pages were flipped for me to see everything about my life. Then I was shown a movie/film of each one of my children's entire life clear to their last day in this life. There was a second film running along side of it showing their lives again but with the changes made because I had tried to help them.

The two films ran side by side, right to the end of my children's lives. The final picture was what the presence wanted me to see. Because I had tried to help, my children's lives were greatly changed and improved. While things looked so bad at the time I had prayed to die, the changes made would affect their entire lives and eventually work out for the best. The films that showed no attempts from me to help my children revealed a very different ending with sad lives in the end. I was shown several things that would happen later in my life and that I needed to come back and finish my journey so all those things could happen.

Next I knew I was back in my body; I actually felt and heard the noise as I re-entered. It was several minutes before I could move. Later I found the type of work that I had been doing, designing clothes and a couturier seamstress was no longer an ability I had. I could barely even sew. Life became very confusing and people didn't really understand what had happened or believe it. Churches were no help, one even said that type of experience was from the devil. It was many years before I could find myself.